
I followed the schematic provided by the folks at RANDOM DATA.

project schematic

Testing the circuit on a breadboard.

breadboard prototype

The design has a single sided PCB, since it was easier for me to etch it.

Here’s a picture of the etched board, with holes drilled (files on GitHub).

breadboard prototype

The (really badly) soldered board.

breadboard prototype

The front.

breadboard prototype

Since I wanted a different component arrangement than that of the RandomWatch I used Fritzing to create the PCB file to print. I chose it over other software like KiCAD because I had used it before to create breadboard diagrams and I did’t want to invest the time to learn a new tool.

I glued the nuts to the back of the case to be able to hold it together with four screws.

case dismantled

The populated case.

watch populated